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2 starting point questions

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2023 4:06 am
Good day.
2 question here on starting points...since I am having problems with my plasma..I try to separate the long cuts
into smaller cuts until I have everything resolved.

Question 1:
(Attached pic Startpointquestion.jpeg) I have 3 cutting operations for 3 open curves however it shows only 1 Starting point.
How would I get 3 starting points for each curve? It seems if I click each cut operations you can see all starting points but all are indicated as S1.
I am guessing what I am asking is for the 3 curves how would I get S1,S2,S3 to easily change the starting points.

Question 2:
(Attached pic editstartpoint.jpeg) Is it posible in sheetcam to move the start point let say 0.5 inch (red arrow)after the start point and discard the previous 0.5"?
The reason for this is if I have a failure and machine not to try to pierce where was previously cut.

Re: 2 starting point questions

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2023 7:56 am
by Les Newell
Operations are independent of each other. S1 is the first start point for the selected operation. Operations are always cut in order so you can set the order of cuts by moving operations around in the list.

As far as SheetCam is concerned your three layers are completely independent of each other. If the start of one operation is exactly over the end of the previous operation SheetCam doesn't bother stopping the cut and running another pierce cycle.

At the moment there isn't any way to make SheetCam move the start point on an open contour.