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Re: Switch Offset not posting

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 1:56 am
by jeepsr4ever jeepsr4eve...
11d is finnicky if you try to use the 'post processor options' it may not save the offset correctly. The best way is to go through the setup wizard and change the switch offset by editing and saving the post.

-------- Original message --------
From: "'Les Newell' [sheetcam]"
Date:01/07/2015 5:38 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: [sheetcam] Re: Switch Offset not posting

This does sound like a post problem. I have to admit I don't have a copy of rev 11d.

I'm not sure if Tom wants this post made publicly available so could you email it to me or PM me with a copy and a sample job file.

You can single step posts. Open the post editor then click in the left hand darker grey margin to set a breakpoint. Leave the editor open and run the post. There are buttons for single step, continue etc on the top toolbar in the editor. There is a window on the bottom of the editor that shows any current errors and the stack (all variables and the function call stack). If you can't see the bottom window, you should be able to enlarge it by dragging it's sash upwards.

Posted by: jeepsr4ever <>

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Re: Switch Offset not posting

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 6:46 pm
by jeepsr4ever jeepsr4eve...
Depending on the system your offset may need to match in mach3

-------- Original message --------
From: "'WyoGreen' [sheetcam]"
Date:01/10/2015 11:45 AM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: [sheetcam] Re: Switch Offset not posting

Under the machine options/Post processor tab on the Post processor section is a "Set custom post options" button. If I set the Switch Offset using that button and the resulting pop-up window, then the post works. If I use the "Edit post" button to open the post in the Post editor, and set the offset there, then the post doesn't work.
It is a bit strange, as the post is working fine today after powering on the computer. Some days is works, some days it doesn't. I am a bit curious as to where the edited posts are stored on the computer, as it doesn't appear that they are stored under Sheetcam TNG/Posts folder.
Anyway, I've attached a screenshot of the "Set custom post options" button.


Attachments: ... st_643.jpg

Posted by: jeepsr4ever <>

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