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TNG V0.0.16 Milling problem

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 4:14 pm
by ArchieF
Hi Les,

in V0.0.16 the contour-process does only the 'outside-offset' - method correct. The 'no offset' - method creates the same code as the 'inside-offset' - method.
That means there is no 'no-offset' possible.

Please take a look.

Thank you


TNG V0.0.16 Milling problem

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 4:56 pm
by Les Newell
Hi Richard,

It has been fixed in the latest release. Sorry about that.


ArchieF wrote:
Hi Les,

in V0.0.16 the contour-process does only the 'outside-offset' - method correct. The 'no offset' - method creates the same code as the 'inside-offset' - method.
That means there is no 'no-offset' possible.

Please take a look.

Thank you


TNG V0.0.16 Milling problem

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 1:57 pm
by Les Newell
Hi Richard,

It has been fixed in the latest release. Sorry about that.


ArchieF wrote:
Hi Les,

in V0.0.16 the contour-process does only the 'outside-offset' - method correct. The 'no offset' - method creates the same code as the 'inside-offset' - method.
That means there is no 'no-offset' possible.

Please take a look.

Thank you


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